Download PicsArt for iOS: AI-Powered Photo Editing App 2024

People do not have a clear idea about the compatibility of devices when they search for “PicsArt App for IOS”. Apple devices use IPA files to download Android apps. In this article, we have given a complete guide unravelling the mystery of downloading the PicsArt editing tool on the iPhone/iPad/mac. You can have a top-notch photo editor for iOS unlocking endless creativity.

PicsArt For iOS

Unleash Your Creativity with PicsArt for iOS

The user can transform ordinary work into a professional one. It has provided a wide range of video editing templates proving that creativity has no limits. The photo editing and customizing options are astonishing, making your content a masterpiece which you can share in the PicsArt community.

What you need before downloading PicsArt for iOS

There are some requirements of PicsArt video editor that you have to meet before downloading it. Check the compatibility of the device which is a key to reveal wonders within.

How to Download PicsArt for iOS & iPhone

IOS devices require a specific way to run Android apps akin to solving a puzzle. PicsArt Pro is accessible on iPhone or iPad. Read the following steps to download it.

PicsArt For iOS In APP Purchases

PicsArt for iOS offers two plans for editing photos or videos. The first plan is free but has a limited version. The second premium plan costs $3.99 per month.

How To Install Picsart Mod APK IPA On iOS

Follow our complete guide about installing IPA on an IOS device.

Method 1: Using iTunes (for macOS Mojave and earlier or Windows):

  • Download iTunes: Ensure you have the latest version of iTunes installed on your computer. You can download it from the Apple website if you don’t have it already
  • Connect Your Device: Use a USB cable to connect your iOS device to your computer. Open iTunes if it doesn’t launch automatically
  • Authorize Your Computer: If prompted, authorize your computer to access your iOS device
  • Add IPA File to iTunes:
  • Drag and drop the IPA file into the iTunes window. It should appear under the “Apps” section in iTunes
  • Sync IPA File to Your Device:
  • Click on your device icon in iTunes.
  • Go to the “Apps” tab.
  • Under “Sync Apps,” select PicsArt (if it’s listed) or check “Automatically install new apps” to sync all apps including PicsArt.
  • Click on “Apply” to start syncing. This will install PicsArt on your iOS device.
  • Install on Device:
  • Once the sync is complete, eject your device safely from iTunes.
  • On your iOS device, you should find PicsArt installed and ready to use

Method 2: Using Cydia Impactor (for macOS Catalina and later, Windows, and Linux)

Cydia Impactor is a tool used to sideload IPA files onto iOS devices. Follow these steps:

  • Download Cydia Impactor: Get the latest version of Cydia Impactor from its official website (
  • Connect Your Device: Connect your iOS device to your computer using a USB cable
  • Open Cydia Impactor: Launch Cydia Impactor on your computer
  • Drag and Drop IPA File:
  • Drag and drop the PicsArt IPA file into the Cydia Impactor window
  • Enter Apple ID Credentials:
  • Enter your Apple ID and password when prompted. This is used to generate a signing certificate for the IPA file
  • Start Installation:
  • Cydia Impactor will sideload the IPA file onto your device. The process may take a few moments
  • Trust Developer: On your iOS device, go to Settings > General > Device Management (or Profiles & Device Management). Find the profile related to your Apple ID and trust it
  • Open PicsArt: Once trusted, you can open PicsArt on your iOS device and start using it

By following these methods, you can install PicsArt IPA on your iOS device either through iTunes or Cydia Impactor, depending on your macOS version and preference for manual vs. automated installation. Always ensure you download IPA files from trusted sources to avoid security risks.

What Can You Do with the PicsArt on an iOS Phone/iPad/mac?

It is the best editing software for every type of user. We have given a detailed description of the features of this app. Read the article at

Additional Features of PicsArt video maker for Apple OS

  • Live camera effects
  • Mirror effect
  • Zoom
  • Clone Tool 
  • AI 
  • One tap retouch 

iOS Support

iOS users face many troubles in using photo and video editing tools. IOS provides full support to its users and brings them out of troubled waters. It enables them to identify the issue and to sort it out.

common questions

Yes, it is compatible with Apple devices.

This tool can be used online as well as offline.

yes, offers collaboration for working together.

Yes, you can but you would not be able to follow other people.

No, Apple devices do not allow modded versions of PicsArt or any application.

Yes, the PicsArt editing app is compatible with Apple devices.

Yes, You can generate images with an AI filter in this photo editing app and create photo collages as well.

Yes, you can but you would not be able to follow other people.

You can get PicsArt gold subscription through free, Plus and Pro plans

Yes, there are many benefits of PicsArt helping you to create amazing content by using gold features of the app.

The user can download the MOD APK file without spending a single penny and use the PicsArt app. Get the latest version from our site and install PicsArt MOD APK.


In a nutshell, PicsArt gold photo editor enables users to unlock their editing potential. Once the user experiences this, he/she will never abandon it. If you enjoy filter PicsArt app offers, then keep sharing it with friends and keep visiting us to learn more about PicsArt. The latest version of the app has all the magical effects raising your photo to a more professional level than ever.